The Spa Tank Collection Room at Santa Maria, Brickell was constantly circulating chlorinated gas and as such, the rebar was corroding. AMP-UP RB was applied to the exposed bar during repairs, and will be used in conjunction with an Impressed Current Cathodic Protection system after repairs are complete.
Many corrosion inhibitors require the concrete to be poured within ~7 days after application. This causes scheduling issues and can require blasting and re-coating of the bar to meet the specification. AMP-UPTM RB has an open window of up to 180 days, providing installers with unparalleled flexibility on application. In addition to this, AMP-UPTM RB is a water-based, 1 component product that saves contractors the time and hassle of mixing, with the added benefit of being environmentally friendly (Low VOC <47g/L).
For coating rebar during the restoration process, there is simply nothing like AMP-UPTM RB. Ask us about AMP-UPTM RB for more info.
Additional Case Studies
Dania Beach Casino
Dania Beach Casino
Corrosion & paint failure of structural steel
AMP-UP™ 100 Self-Healing Primer
Residential Structures
Casa Costa
Casa Costa
Corrosion of support beam
AMP-UP RB, PatchGuard Connect Galvanic Anodes
Residential Structures
Sloan's Curve Condominium
Sloan's Curve
Corrosion of sprinkler pipes and coating failure
AMP-UP™ 100 Self-Healing Primer