Built in 1977 Connemara Condominium is a luxury condominium that provides beautiful coastal scenery, beach access, and incredible South Florida weather for its residents.
The Connemara Condominium is located on Singler Island, FL and exposed to atmospheric coastal conditions from both the east (ocean) and west (intracoastal) side. Due to these conditions/exposure and age of the structure, the parking garage began to show signs of corrosion damage, causing disruption to parking and tripping hazards for residents. Connemara had undergone numerous concrete restoration projects on their parking structure. Frustrated by how quicky the repairs failed, Connemara contacted NoCo to learn about our PatchGuard galvanic anodes.
The parking garage at Connemara had undergone previous restorations and there was evidence of the incipient anode effect around repairs. To combat this issue and deal with the coastal environment of the garage, a repair procedure including PatchGuard 175 was specified.
Installing PatchGuard 175 along the perimeter of repairs ensures the corrosion will be mitigated and service life of the repairs will be extended. Due to PatchGuard’s placement in the native concrete, there were no restrictions to the repair mortar selection providing residents with the highest quality restoration.
Additional Case Studies

Dania Beach Casino
Dania Beach Casino
Corrosion & paint failure of structural steel
AMP-UP™ 100 Self-Healing Primer

Residential Structures
Casa Costa
Casa Costa
Corrosion of support beam
AMP-UP RB, PatchGuard Connect Galvanic Anodes

Residential Structures
Sloan's Curve Condominium
Sloan's Curve
Corrosion of sprinkler pipes and coating failure
AMP-UP™ 100 Self-Healing Primer