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Marine Structures

Marine structures are exposed to some of the most corrosive environments nature has to offer. Corrosion protection is not just an option, but a necessity for long-term health of these structures.

In the harsh marine environment, corrosion protection is essential for extended service life

With such a vast number of strucures located in or near marine environments, it is important to understand how this atmospheric exposure affects the service life of these structures. A plentiful supply of chlorides, and exposure to the wet/dry cycle provides an aggressive environment for corrosion to propogate and cause sustained damage.

NoCo specializes in corrosion protection for marine structures. Our portfolio of technologies includes marine-specific applications, aimed at extended service life and avoiding large-scale restoration projects in the future. From reinforced concrete, to structural steel, NoCo has the right solution to protect these prized assets. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you tackle corrosion on your marine structure and extend the service life for years to come. 

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